Midwest Material Handling

Material Handling, Loading Dock and Storage Equipment Specialists

Old-Fashioned Service. Honesty. Integrity. Valued Products... Since 1995

Material Handling, Loading Dock and Storage Equipment Specialists

Old-Fashioned Service. Honesty. Integrity. Valued Products... Since 1995

Pallet Rack Repair & Inspections-Columbus, Ohio

As much as you might train your forklift operators, pallet rack damage is inevitable. Even the most experienced, seasoned forklift and reach truck operators will occasionally damage a pallet rack upright. The most common damage occurs to the front of the upright columns, generally 12”-24” up due to fork damage and pallets hitting them. As a result, damage to the reinforcing vertical and horizontal crossmembers is also likely. Even the smallest ding or dent can cause the uprights to become structurally compromised and should never be used. Employee safety and protection is the single most critical component of a warehouse operation of any size.

Once the damage occurs, two options exist… replace the upright or repair it. One very important item to note… If there is EVER a ding or dent in an Upright column, the structural integrity of the Upright has been compromised and the Upright should be either repaired or discarded. While replacing may be the most cost-effective option (the only cost, beyond labor is the replacement upright), repairing is generally the most efficient. When the damage occurs to an interior upright, it requires, at minimum unloading and emptying both adjacent pallet rack sections to the damaged upright or disassembling the entire row to replace the damaged upright. Repairing the upright with a pallet rack repair kit requires no unloading and can be completed in a relatively short period of time (60 minutes or less). As an added bonus, the repair kits make the damaged upright considerably stronger than when new. In most cases, no welding is required.

Inquire on our unique Pallet Rack Repair “4-step process”…

1.) We come out and do a thorough evaluation of your existing Pallet Rack Uprights and Beams, documenting damage to each  individual component in its current condition. We can, upon request, furnish a written review.

2.) We furnish a written evaluation and cost estimate to repair. It is common for customers to not repair all of the damage at once, we can assist in helping identify the most critical and least safe components.

3.) The required components are designed, custom approval documents are reviewed (and signed off on), materials ordered and product  delivered.

4.) Once all components are delivered on-site, our certified, professional and experienced installation crew will begin the repair process.

All of our rack repair solutions are designed and manufactured to the highest quality and engineering standards in the industry. All of our repair kits are structurally engineered and meet the current Rack
Manufacturers Institute (RMI) Rack Guidelines.

A quick review…

  • Repair process is 4-5 times faster and less disruptive than frame replacement.
  • Repair requires 75% less product movement than frame replacement.
  • Less internal resources expended.
  • Minimal disruption to operations.
  • Provides superior impact resistance.
  • Industry approved and compliant solution (RMI and OSHA).
  • Turn Key: From surveying your site, to component design, to manufacturing and installation, we provide a one-source complete solution.
  • Bolt-on connectors & grade five hardware–no hot work permit or fire watch permits required
  • Protects life, limb, and property.
  • Engineer supervised products and processes
  • Certified professional installation crews.

 All of our Pallet Rack Repair kits and products proudly  manufactured in the USA!

Pallet Rack repair kits come in a range of different types and styles to meet individual repair applications. The different types include:

Allow the professionals at Midwest Material Handling for help identifying the correct repair kit for your specific application!

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