Pallet Rack Beam. Teadrop, Keystone. New-Used. Columbus, Ohio
Pallet Rack Beams come in a wide range of different lengths, heights and capacities. Each Pallet Rack Beam length comes in different weight capacities. Beams capacities are rated “per pair”, not individually. Beam weight capacities are calculated as a combination of the height and length of the Beam. The most standard size Beam (by far) is 96”L… the perfect length to store two standard sized skids (48” x 40”) side-by-side. One easy (though not definitive) way to determine the style of your Rack is the color. Generally, Teardrop style Beams have historically been orange in color.
In-Stock Beam Lengths
- Standard in-stock Beam lengths: 48″, 60″, 72”, 96″, 108″, 120″, 144″ and 168″ lengths
- Standard in-stock Beam heights: 2.75″, 3.66″, 4″, 4.5”, 5″, 6″ and 6.5″ heights
- Standard Beam capacities from 2,100 lbs. up to 9,100 lbs.
Beam capacities are calculated as a combination of the length of the beam and the overall height of the Beam. Each Beam has a different height (top to bottom). For example, the most common Beam we sell is a 96″L x 4.0″H. Capacity ratings for this Beam vary slightly from Manufacturer to manufacturer (due to testing variances) but generally speaking, this Beam has a rated capacity of 5,100-5,300 lbs. per pair. Increase the Beam height by 0.5″ (96″L x 4.5″L) and the Beam has a rated capacity of roughly 6,100-6,300 lbs. per pair.
The number of connection points (or “fingers” as they are occasionally referred to as) on the end connector plates is determined by capacity (three being the most common on Beams less than 5,000 lbs. capacity). Beams with capacities greater than 5,000 lbs. generally have 4+ connection points.
New Beams all come with safety clips which vary in design from Manufacturer to Manufacturer. Some are designed like a spring (self locking), some with a sliding pin and others like a clip. These safety clips prevent the Beam from becoming disconnected from the Upright in the event that a fork or skid raises the underside of the Beam which could dislodge the entire shelf. Safety clips SHOULD ALWAYS BE USED in every Pallet Rack application. A standard nut and bolt can be used where no safety clip currently exists. If fact, a tightly secured nut and bolt is the most effective and secure safety clip method available!
Various Styles-Keystone (Republic) Style Pallet Rack Beams
Once a very common type of Pallet Racking, Keystone Racking went out of style with the advent of the more current Teardrop style Pallet Rack. Keystone Rack, often referred to as Republic style after Republic Industries, which assisted in the early design of it and was a major manufacturer of it years ago. Most Pallet Rack manufacturers built it as an option but this style of Racking went out of favor for the more popular Teardrop style with most Pallet Rack buyers. If fact, Keystone style was a quick-ship item as recently as 10 years ago or so. While we can still have it built NEW, most Keystone style Pallet racking today is found on the USED market. There is still a fairly large inventory of Keystone Racking that exists in the marketplace today.
One unique design element of Keystone Racking is the Uprights have one notch (designed to look like a “Keystone”) punched in them and both Beams share that notch. Similar to Teardrop style, the notched holes are punched on 2″ centers.
An easy (though not definitive) way to identify Keystone style Racking is the Beams are generally yellow and the Uprights gray in color.
“Infinite Adjust” Pallet Rack Beams
We also sell a less common style of Pallet Rack Beam… the “Infinite Adjust Beam”. These are standard looking Beams that do not include any connection points (or fingers). Instead, they are bolted directly to the Upright columns using nuts and bolts. These versatile Beams can be used on most any type, style or brand of Racking. The connection plates on these Beams are slotted, to allow for upward to downward placement when mounting to the Upright columns.
These are Beams are generally designed for pitched or sloped applications, more commonly used on Pallet Flow or Carton Flow Rack or any application that requires a pitched or sloped type shelf. Due to the specific design and use of these Beams, e don’t sell these type of Beams for general use NEW, we most commonly see these Beams appear on the USED market.
Interlake “OLD” vs. “NEW” Style… what’s the difference?
We are often asked about Interalake “OLD” and Interlake “NEW” style Pallet Rack Uprights and Beams. But, what’s the difference? This has always been a confusing one…
A bit about the original Teardrop design… The original “OLD STYLE” pin design of a standard Teardrop style Pallet Rack Beam has remained unchanged for decades. The pins were roundish (if not completely round) in shape and were positioned into the larger opening of the inverted teardrop holes on the Uprights. They were then simply pushed down and locked into the smaller portion of the teardrop hole. This simple design, quick installation and safe operation is what has made Teardrop style Racking so widely popular.
In the late 1990’s, Interlake introduced a new design they termed “NEW STYLE INTERLAKE”. This new design is not considered Teardrop Racking, instead an Interlake proprietary design. What Interlake did was reinvent the locking pins on the Beams to look less rounded and more like an upside down hook. While these hooks might appear to lack the strength of the traditional rounded design, they carry equal strength. These NEW STYLE components were no longer compatible with existing older Teardrop components. As a result, new (“New Style”) Interlake Beams and Uprights would need to be purchased when adding onto existing or replacing.
Now for the confusing part… NEW STYLE Beams are interchangeable with OLD STYLE Teardrop Uprights but OLD STYLE Beams are not interchangeable with NEW STYLE Uprights.
Fortunately, what Interlake competitors came up with was what is called a “Shaved Pin Beam”. These Beams are compatible with either new or old style Uprights, eliminating all confusion between the two styles. What they did was simply “shave” the rounded connector pin to allow for universal placement into the NEW STYLE Uprights.
This “Interake new style” of Pallet Rack is no longer being manufactured though a significant amount of it exists today, primarily on the used market.
If you are not sure what type of Pallet Rack you have, we have created a handy PALLET RACK IDENTIFICATION GUIDE. It is designed to help you identify what brand and style of Racking you have. Most historical styles are listed.