Midwest Material Handling, LLC

Material Handling, Loading Dock Parts & Storage Equipment Specialists

Old-Fashioned Service. Honesty. Integrity... Since 1995

Material Handling, Loading Dock Parts & Storage Equipment Specialists

Old-Fashioned Service. Honesty. Integrity... Since 1995

Pallet Rack End of Aisle Protector

Pallet Rack End-of-Column Protector for AGV, Handle-IT

AGV End of Aisle Protector

WORTHINGTON, OHIO– We recently got a call from a large Ohio based Manufacturer of industrial products with a bit of a unique Pallet Rack protection application. This customer recently purchased an AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle) and requested Post and End-of-Aisle Protectors for their Pallet Rack. The big issue was these Column Protectors could not extend into the open shelf space as every inch was needed for the AGV to operate there.

We supplied them with Handle-It 12″H Steel Column Protector with optional HD steel Rack Protector Extender, which was custom cut to 28″L. Not sure if it is clear in the photos but these Column Protectors only extend into the shelf space by an inch, at best, allowing the AGV to operate in and out of the Rack sections as designed. Like all of the Pallet Rack protection products we sell, we also furnished concrete anchors (1/2″ x 3.75″ and 3/4″ x 4.25″) for installation. The finished product came out great and has been incredibly effective. These were furnished and installed throughout the entire distribution center facility.

These Corner Protectors are also effective for use at building wall corners and guard doorways.

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