We were contacted by the Department of Defense (U.S. Navy) to furnish and install military grade wire lockers for their Naval Special Operations Unit (SEAL). We designed, furnished and installed a heavy duty Wirecrafter’s TA-50 Military Storage Lockers system. These lockers had to be extremely durable and able to withstand severe wear and tear. This Steel Locker was designed and is manufactured by Wirecrafters specifically with the US Military in mind. This locker system was an integral part of an update and enhancement of their Naval Operations Center. All of our Lockers are proudly built in the United States.
For more information on our innovative Steel Locker systems, kindly check out: https://mmhonline.com/lockers-steel-metal-employee-school-military-storage-installation-columbus-ohio/
For information on Wirecrafters line of heavy duty, durable TA-50 Military Storage Lockers, see: https://www.wirecrafters.com/products/storage-lockers/ta-50-military-storage-lockers/