Midwest Material Handling, LLC

Material Handling, Loading Dock Parts & Storage Equipment Specialists

Old-Fashioned Service. Honesty. Integrity... Since 1995

Material Handling, Loading Dock Parts & Storage Equipment Specialists

Old-Fashioned Service. Honesty. Integrity... Since 1995

Author name: Midwest MH

Jesco Chip and Waste Truck

Trash Hopper-Chip & Waste Truck for Inside Debris Removal

Plain City, Ohio-We often get calls from building, construction and renovation contractors doing demolition on interior structures and need an efficient and safe method to remove the debris. Most times from upper levels of multiple story buildings. Certain considerations have to be remembered, like door widths/heights as well as elevator openings. The total weight of the truck is also a factor when moving material up and down an elevator. The perfect piece of equipment for such a job is a Trash Hopper-CHIP and WASTE TRUCK.

These units are designed for confined areas and tight turns with less effort to dump. Manual tip to empty contents. Many Customers combine this Chip and Waste Truck (Trash Hopper) to get the debris out of the building and then dump into a larger Forklift Hopper for efficient off premises removal.
These Trucks come in three different styles:
  • 5/8 cubic yard capacity with 1,500 lbs. weight capacity, 68″L x 24.5″W x 40″H, 1,500 lbs. capacity (truck weighs 200 lbs.)
  • 3/4 cubic yard capacity with 2,000 lbs. weight capacity, 68″L x 30.5″W x 40″H (truck weighs 245 lbs.)
  • 1.0 cubic yard capacity with 2,000 lbs. weight capacity, 68″L x 3.5″W x 40″H (truck weighs 265 lbs.)

These Chip & Waste Trucks all include 10″ x 2.5″ welded on rigid casters (load wheels) and 8″ x 2″ mold-on rubber swivel casters. All models are leak-proof and are constructed of 14-gauge steel for durability.

These versatile trucks are also great in housekeeping applications!

Jesco Manual Tilt TruckJesco Lo-Profile Tilt Truck

Two other related products to improve removal of debris is the Manual Tilt Truck. This Truck is great for manual handling of light weight, in plant refuse such as cardboard, paper, wood, pallets and trash. It is not watertight though. Also, the Lo-Profile Manual Tilt Truck with an overall height to the top of the push handle at 30″, while the bucket measures 24″ from the floor to the top edge. These Trucks are manufactured by Jesco Industries and Vestil Manufacturing and ship in a matter of days, not weeks like the competition.

Like all of our products, these Trucks are proudly manufactured in the USA!

Trash Hopper-Chip & Waste Truck for Inside Debris Removal Read More »

Pallet Rack Beam Capacity-Is My Pallet Rack Overloaded?

So many customers spend too much time thinking about Pallet Rack Upright height, depth and Beam lengths. They often overlook Pallet Rack Beam capacity. For many, this is not an issue (as what they will be storing is relatively light) but for certain customers in certain industries it is a major factor that needs to be considered when sourcing Pallet Rack Beams.

Just as Pallet Rack Beams come in different lengths, each Beam length also comes in multiple capacities. The Pallet Rack Beam capacity, is generally calculated as a combination of the Beam length and the Beam height. For example, an Interlake 96″ long Teardrop style Beam that is 2.75″ high has roughly a 2,440 lbs. capacity. The same 96″ long Beam length in a 4.0″H face has a 5,370 lbs. capacity. Quite a difference! It is also important to remember that Beam ratings are calculated as an evenly distributed load.

A mistake we often see is a customer who purchases Beams on cost alone with no regard for related capacities. There are a couple of industries that immediately come to mind who have uniquely heavily concentrated loads… roofing, tile and feed & grain industries.

overloaded pallet rack

Case Study

We recently had the owner of a large feed & grain business in Lancaster, Ohio contact us about some Pallet Rack for one of their retail operations. We expressed our concern for the capacity of the Beams being purchased (due to weight of skids being stored) but in the end they purchased our least expensive 96″L Beam at 4,100 lbs. capacity per pair. Prior to pick-up, we once again mentioned that we did not think that this Beam would be adequate for the application, but they insisted it would.

A week or so after installation, we received a call (and subsequent photo above) with their concern for the way the Beams were deflecting with two, fully loaded skids on them. Note the excessive deflection (or bowing as it is commonly referred as) in the middle pair of Beams. We asked the customer to perform a simple deflection test.

Pallet Rack Beam Deflection

We asked them to run a string from one side of Upright to the other and measure the “deflection gap” at the very center.

So what is an acceptable level of deflection on a pair of Beams?

It is important to note that some deflection is permissible, but not much. The maximum amount of deflection that is allowed in pallet rack beams is governed by the RMI-Rack Manufacturers Institute as well as ANSI Standards. The RMI deflection limit for a normal pair of Pallet Rack Beams is L/180 or the span divided by 180. A 96” Beam will have a deflection limit of 96/180 = 0.533”.

In more simple terms… Divide the length of the beam (from the inside of the columns) by 180. If  the 96″ Beam length is divided by 180 for a result of .533, or about a ½ inch. If the deflection gap is equal to or greater than ½ inch, the beam is considered overloaded and unsafe.

Once they performed this simple test they realized that the Beams that they purchased were considerably under capacity for the loads they were storing.

What was interesting was they went from the lightest Beam we stocked at the time to the heaviest (8,560 lbs. cap. per pair). Unfortunately, we were unable to take back the overloaded Beams they never returned to their original shape.

Pallet Rack Beam Capacity-Is My Pallet Rack Overloaded? Read More »

New style pallet rack beam

Interlake NEW and OLD Style Pallet Racking…What’s The Difference?

We are often asked about Interlake “OLD” and Interlake “NEW” style Pallet Rack Uprights and Beams. But, what’s the difference? This has always been a confusing one…

A bit about the original design… The original “OLD STYLE” pin design of standard Teardrop style Beams has remained unchanged for decades. The pins were roundish (if not completely round) in shape and were positioned into the larger opening of the inverted teardrop holes on the Uprights. They were then simply pushed down and locked into the smaller portion of the teardrop hole. This simple design, quick installation and safe operation is what has made Teardrop style Racking so widely popular.

New style pallet rack beam
“NEW” Style Beam


In the late 1990’s, Interlake introduced a new design they termed “NEW STYLE INTERLAKE”. This new design is not considered Teardrop Racking, instead an Interlake proprietary design. What Interlake did was reinvent the locking pins on the Beams to look less rounded and more like an upside down hook. While these hooks might appear to lack the strength of the traditional rounded design, they carry equal strength. These NEW STYLE components were no longer compatible with existing older Teardrop components. As a result, new (“New Style”) Interlake Beams and Uprights would need to be purchased when adding onto existing or replacing.

Now for the confusing part… NEW STYLE Beams were interchangeable with OLD STYLE Teardrop Uprights but OLD STYLE Beams were not interchangeable with NEW STYLE Uprights.

Shaved Pin Pallet Rack Beam
“OLD” Style Shaved Pin Beam


Fortunately, what Interlake competitors came up with was what is called a “Shaved Pin Beam”. These Beams are compatible with either new or old style Uprights, eliminating all confusion between the two styles. What they did was simply “shave” the rounded connector pin to allow for universal placement into the NEW STYLE Uprights.

This “Interake new style” of Pallet Rack is no longer being manufactured but a substantial amount of it exists today, primarily on the used market.

If you are not sure what type of Pallet Rack you have, we have created a handy PALLET RACK IDENTIFICATION GUIDE. It is designed to help you identify what brand and style of Racking you have. Most historical styles are listed.

Contact the Pallet Rack professionals at Midwest Material Handling, LLC with any questions or for both new and used Racking options!

Interlake NEW and OLD Style Pallet Racking…What’s The Difference? Read More »

Pallet Rack Fork Clearance Bar

Fork Entry Bar (Fork Clearance Bar) for Pallet Racking, What Are They Used For?

We were recently contacted by an existing Customer who we had recently sold a Pallet Rack system to and they had a very unique load placement issue. They were sold heavy duty (HD) Pallet Rack with the goal of storing large, heavy sheets of steel plate. The original system included HD Wire Deck Panels, (3,600 lbs. capacity per panel, compared to the standard 2,500 lbs. capacity).

The issue was the “skids” they were getting their steel shipped in on where not standard and were not resting correctly on the shelf. Remember, the goal is to always have the load to be applied to the Beams, when possible!

</p><p>The picture above is an actual photo that was taken on-site. As you will notice, the 3


Though not a common occurrence, fortunately a standard product exists for just this type of unique application. Pallet Rack manufacturers build a Fork Entry Bar (or occasionally referred to as a Fork Clearance Bar). This optional accessory spans from front to back of the Pallet Rack Beams and allows for the forklift operator to safety place the load and remove the forks of the fork truck from the rack. The Fork Entry Bars are TEK screwed into the both front and back beam to secure the load and prevent movement.

These Fork Entry Bars-Fork Clearance Bars are built in many different types, styles and capacities but all serve the same, singular purpose. Additionally, they also have certified  load ratings (capacities) to ensure OSHA compliance. These Fork Entry Bars can be used on both Roll-Formed as well as Structural Pallet Racking.

The photo below illustrates the solution our team of experts came up with. These Fork Entry Bars also work great with loading Wire Mesh Baskets or wood or plate goods, where no skid exists.


Incidentally, once we installed these, we ordered some for our own use… they work great storing non-skidded bundles of Pallet Rack Beams (we use straps and metal banding to secure our bundles of Beams)!

For more information and a list of other unique Pallet Rack options… CLICK HERE

Fork Entry Bar (Fork Clearance Bar) for Pallet Racking, What Are They Used For? Read More »

Are Diagonal-Horizontal Cross X-Brace Supports on my Pallet Rack replaceable?

Cross Brace Repair

Elyria, OH– We recently got a call from a Customer in Elyria, Ohio asking about Pallet Rack Repair and if damaged diagonal and horizontal cross braces on their Pallet Rack Uprights can be replaced? The cross braces on 15 Uprights were badly bent and damaged. They thought they might need to replace all of the Uprights. We explained that they absolutely can be replaced… inexpensively and and with ease!

While they come in a few different designs, the one that we have found to be the easiest to install and works exceptionally well is an Adjustable Bolt-On X Brace Kit. What is nice about these kits is the lengths are fully adjustable through a simple set screw. These units simply bolt onto the Upright column with 2 bolts. They are sold in either “diagonal” or “horizontal” styles and come in a range of different adjustable lengths to accommodate any depth Upright. They are also available in multiple column sizes (with 3″W and 4″W being the most common).

These kits can be installed in a matter of minutes and are generally less than $90 each. We can also get them shipped out in a few days, not weeks or months like the competition.

Like everything we sell, we also install (locally, regionally and Nationwide)! Click here for details.

Are Diagonal-Horizontal Cross X-Brace Supports on my Pallet Rack replaceable? Read More »

Selective Pallet Rack

Freight Class-Pallet Rack & Wire Decks… how is freight determined?

Pallet Rack, Wire Decks & Freight Classifications, how is freight determined?

Pallet Racking, including Beams, Uprights and Wire Decks can be one of the most difficult items to ship LTL. This is due primarily to their unique shipping dimensions, concentrated weights and high freight class. Proper packaging is also a concern when shipping Pallet Rack. As a result, damaging Pallet Rack is a common occurrence in the freight industry. By far, the easiest and most efficient method for shipping Pallet Rack is via flatbed or stake truck, where the Rack can be loaded/unloaded from the sides and strapped down. Unfortunately, this can also be the most expensive method.

Sometimes, shipping Pallet Rack is unavoidable. For those times, let’s discuss a little bit about how it’s done…

Firstly, it is important to understand freight classifications for Pallet Rack and related components. Pallet Rack Uprights, Beams and Wire Decks all have different freight class. Freight classifications are determined by a combination of an items weight, physical dimension and density as well as density, handling, Stowability and liability.

Every item has been given a National Motor Freight Classification (NMFC) number. The NMFC is a standardized system that classifies freight into categories for shippingThe NMFC is used to help shippers and carriers identify and classify freight and to determine rates and packaging requirements.

Pallet Rack Beams and Uprights are assigned the following freight class:

NMFC: 164340 “Pallet or warehouse, metal or parts or sections thereof, NOI with or without components of other materials in packages”

  • SUB CLASS 3: Greatest dimension exceeding 96 inches but not exceeding 192 inches a freight classification of 125 is assigned
  • SUB CLASS 2: Greatest dimension exceeding 192 inches but not exceeding 288 inches a freight classification of 200 is assigned
  • SUB CLASS 1: Greatest dimension exceeding 288 inches a freight classification of 300 is assigned

Pallet Rack Wire Deck Panels are assigned the following freight class:

NMFC 164150: “Palletized wire decking, Iron or steel wire, with or without reinforcement, in packages”, a freight classification of 70 is assigned

Allow the experts at Midwest Material Handling to use our 30+ years of experience to get your Pallet Rack order shipped quickly, economically and with the least chance for freight damage!

Freight Class-Pallet Rack & Wire Decks… how is freight determined? Read More »

Aluminum Dock Plate

Aluminum Dock Plate or Steel Dock Board… what’s the difference?

Dock Plate Dock Board

Aluminum-Steel Dock Plates and Boards… We regularly get calls from Customer’s looking to SAFELY bridge the gap between a loading dock door and a semi trailer. Simple huh? Like most things, its not a simple as one might think. Often times a customer might think all they need a thick piece of steel plate positioned in between the dock and the trailer… Absolutely not! Talk about a disaster waiting to happen!

We sell both Dock Plates and Dock Boards, but what’s the difference? While both Loading Dock products are similar in their design and functionality, the big difference is Dock Boards have a much higher loading capacity than Aluminum Dock Plates. Aluminum Dock Plates are lighter in weight and are more for hand loading (or perhaps Pallet Jack traffic) whereas Dock Boards can carry the load of a fully loaded Forklift. They all come in 2 basic material designs, steel and aluminum.


One design element that makes both of these dock loading products extremely safe for manual loading are the safety legs. These legs are generally bolted onto the bottom of the Plate/Board and is positioned in between the dock and the trailer, keeping the Plate or Board from sliding during use. The exact size and position of the legs on the Plate/Board is determined, in part by the “height differential” or the height difference between the trailer deck and the dock. This is a very important consideration when sourcing the correct size Plate/Board!

Let’s start with Aluminum Dock Plates…

  • Recommended for use with non-powered loading equipment
  • Hand holes are standard for portability
  • Widths from 30” to 84”, Lengths from 24” to 84”
  • Considerably lighter in weight than Dock Boards
  • Bolt-on steel legs for securing position between the dock & the trailer
  • Beveled Edges Allow for Smooth Transition
  • Diamond Tread Plate is Skid Resistant

Steel Dock Boards…

  • All-Welded Steel Construction
  • Double-Bend Design
  • Capacities from 15,000 to 40,000 lbs.
  • Widths from 60″ to 96″, Lengths from 48″ to 120″
  • Two Four-Hole Pin Pockets Placed on each Edge for Flexible Positioning
  • Can be Used for Below Dock Applications
  • Use with conventional, refrigerated, or container trailers, or for below dock conditions

We stock and sell Dock Plates, Boards and Rail Boards from leading manufacturers like Bluff Manufacturing, Vestil Manufacturing, Eagle-Justrite and Copperloy Products.

We have created a whole section with greater specifics on Dock Plates, Boards and Rail Boards… click here


Call the experts at Midwest Material Handling and let us put our 30+ years in business to work to help you source the correct size Dock Plate/Board for your unique application!

All of our Dock Boards, Plates and Rail Boards are proudly manufactured in the USA!

Aluminum Dock Plate or Steel Dock Board… what’s the difference? Read More »

Pallet Rack for Basement

YES, We Sell Pallet Racking for Garages, Basements, Sheds & Pole Barns!

Millersburg, Ohio- We are often asked if we sell Pallet Rack components to individuals or homeowners for garage, basement, shed or pole barn use… ABSOLUTELY, WE DO! Though we primarily sell to industrial type businesses (both locally as well as nationally), we very much cater to local small business or homeowners looking a for a small quantity, perhaps a section or two of Pallet Rack. Many of these customers seek a better quality or heavier weight capacity of Racking than found at the big box home centers or wholesale retailers. This is exactly why we stock standard sized Pallet Rack at our Plain City, Ohio office, all available for same day pick-up!

While we sell Pallet Rack Uprights in multiple depths, we find the most common for personal storage is 24″D and 36″D. Combined with a 96″L Beam, we also stock 24″D x 46″W Wire Decks to complete the system!

Pallet Rack for Basement Pallet Rack for Garage

Here is a neat example… we recently had a customer visit us from Holmes County, Ohio. He had just built a high end country home and wanted premium Pallet Rack both for his garage and basement. He also wanted to build a versatile shop desk for building custom furniture, a hobby of his. We furnished him with a new-used combination (as we often do).. NEW Uprights, USED 96″L Beams and USED Wire Deck Panels.

As you can see in the photos, he is creating a shop desk (where the red arrow is pointing) and is going to install plywood on top of the Wire Decks as well as shop lights hung from the section above. He also needed certain height Uprights to fit under his HVAC system in his basement. We were able to accomodate his unique list of requirements. He was so pleased with the way it turned out, he sent us these photos… which we always appreciate!

Mobile Shop Desks or Work Tables

Many times throughout the years, we have supplied Pallet Rack components to have customers build mobile shop desks or work tables… all they do is weld on casters to the Upright footplates (generally, 2 swivel-with locks and 2 rigid). They work great and are relatively inexpensive.

Pallet Rack Mobile Shop Cart

Here is one we made for ourselves a few years back… We built a mobile shop cart for tool storage exclusively out of standard Pallet Rack components. We took a USED 96″H x 42″D Upright and cut it in half. Then we welded on four inexpensive casters (2 swivel/locking and 2 rigid). We added four 48″L Beams and two Wire Decks. We screwed down a piece of plywood to the Wire deck and applied an epoxy coating to it. When we didn’t need it, we quickly disassembled it in minutes and stored it in a very small footprint.

One thing that we pride ourselves on is we try to treat every customer equally. Whether you are looking for one or two sections of garage Pallet Racking or a full warehouse storage system, we have built our business treating every customer the same. When we say, “no project is too small”, WE MEAN IT!

YES, We Sell Pallet Racking for Garages, Basements, Sheds & Pole Barns! Read More »

Galvanized Pallet Rack Upright

Galvanized Pallet Rack vs. Powder Coated… is it worth it?

Rusty Pallet Rack  Galvanized Pallet Rack Upright

Pallet Rack-Galvanized vs. Standard Powder Coated… is it worth it?

We are often asked for recommendations on Pallet Rack or Cantilever Rack for outdoor use. The options are relatively simple… we sell full, hot dipped Galvanized Pallet Rack Uprights, Beams and Wire Decks. We also carry Cantilever Racking and all related accessories, fully suitable for outdoor use.

What is Galvanizing? Galvanizing is a proceed that takes raw, unpantied metal and is “hot dipped” into a molten zinc chemical bath mixture.  This process, when dry makes the metal resistant to corrosion and rust. There are several different methods to galvanize (like electro-galvanizing) but hot dipping is, by far the most common. You likely see galvanizing in products designed for prolonged time spent outside or in hot/cold exterior climates. While not totally permanent, with care, a galvanized Pallet Rack Upright, Beam or Wire Deck can be rust and corrosion free for decades.

But is the additional cost worth it? That is difficult to answer. The average cost for galvanized Pallet Rack is generally 3-4 times the cost for standard Racking.

Why is it so expensive? Industrial Rack manufacturers do not galvanize themselves, they have to ship the Racking to a local galvanizer, where the process is performed. Once complete, the Racking is then shipped back to the manufacturer, where it is prepped for shipment. All of these “steps” contribute to the overall added cost.

Due primarily to cost, we do not sell a lot of galvanized Pallet Racking. We sell to several large, big box home improvement retailers. They purchase it primarily for their outdoor products and landscape items. We often say that you could purchase standard, powder coated Rack, which you know, in time will rust (if left outdoors) 3 to 4 times over for the same cost of one order of galvanized Pallet Rack. Remember, this chemically treated Racking gets damaged just as easily as standard Rack, the galvanizing does nothing to improve that! Additionally, the galvanizing process adds weeks onto lead times.

Galvanized Pallet Rack vs. Powder Coated… is it worth it? Read More »

Pallet Rack Post Protectors

Post Protectors-They Work!

Pallet Rack Post Protectors

We visited a Customer facility last week as they wanted to add additional Pallet Racking sections to their current layout. This customer is a large national wholesale retailer and a longtime customer of ours. As we toured the facility, we noticed Steel Post Protectors that we installed several years ago absolutely doing their job! The whole concept behind the Post Protector is to protect the Upright columns from forklift or fork truck damage. We want the Post Protector to absorb the contact, protecting the Upright columns from structural damage. As you can see here, this is exactly what is occurring.

We are often asked… “what is the best method to protect my Pallet Rack Upright columns from damage”? Fortunately, the answer is also the least expensive method, the $50 Post Protectors. These simple protective devices simply require 4-5 concrete wedge anchors to install. These units come in a range of different heights, 12″H, 18″H and 24″H.

Post Protector Steel Post Protector

For additional information on a wide range of Pallet Rack and Building protection products, check out… https://mmhonline.com/building-pallet-rack-and-equipment-protection-guardrail-machinery/

Or, click for more information on Pallet Rack Post Protectors, End-of Aisle Rack Protectors and Steel Flue Guards from Savety Yellow Products

Post Protectors-They Work! Read More »

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